Tag Archives: Parenting

~New diet for R~


So, I cant remember if I have mentioned R’s milk and soy allergy but yes Im certain he has always had milk soy protein intolerance. I just have not had it officially diagnosed because I feel the testing is too extreme. I just have cut out the obvious sources of dairy and soy for him. However, recently Ive noticed that he isnt quite completely happy and normal feeling. Seems like he is always teething. Having diahrrea and so forth. So I started doing some research and found that there was hidden soy and casein(the milk protein) in some of the foods we were eating. Sooo, I made a menu plan that didnt include ANY dairy or soy, and I mean ANY! I bought fresh fruits and veggies for us, which is going to be hard for me because I am not big on either. BUT none the less I did. I have to get used to this diet to breastfeed our little princess when she makes her appearance. I  have a slight allergy to soy and dairy while pregnant too. I found out today that R is just madly in love with cherries. Oh! and for some crazy reason my darling is able to digest goats milk and goats milk products just fine. So right now he is snacking on cherries, strawberries, and goat cheese crumbles. He is in absolute heaven! A bloody mess, but heaven 🙂 I’ll have to snap a picture soon and put it here in the post so you can see just how filthy fun he is. So here is our menu plan for this upcoming paycheck. Just meals, havent set days to them yet but I will be doing tacos with goat cheese tonight…


Bratwurst, potato salad, green beans-pork bratwurst and all fresh ingredients for potato salad and fresh raw green beans.
Chicken and brown rice soup-organic boneless skinless chicken breast, brown rice, organic chicken broth, salt pepper and taragon.
ham and beans-northern beans and ham with seasoning all
Spaghetti w/ meatballs-brown rice noodles, homemade spaghetti sauce, and turkey meatballs
Potato and chicken soup-brown potatoes, vegetable broth and organic chicken breast
Oven potatoes, homemade chicken nuggets, bean salad-Diced potatoes with olive oil and seasonings, chicken breast with panko bread crumbs baked, and random beans
hamburgers and sweet potato fries-turkey burgers, and sweet potatoes fried in olive oil
Tacos– ground turkey, corn tortillas, goat cheese and taco sauce.


Pasta Salad, Tuna Sandwich-rice pasta with mayo, chicken, pickles, avocado and goat cheese, tuna with mayo and pickles
Avocado, cheese, and bean quesadillas (goats cheese)-corn tortillas, avocado, goat cheese, and pinto and black beans
chicken salad sandwiches with avocado and beans-chicken, mayo, pickles, avocado, and pinto/black beans


sweet potato hashbrowns with bacon and yogurt
diced breakfast sweet potatoes, sausage, fruit, and yogurt
sweet potato pancakes, homemade strawberry or blueberry syrup, sausage and bacon
Breakfast meatloaf-sausage, eggs, breadcrumbs, pureed fruit, syrup- hashbrowns

If you need any brand names of products I bought or detailed recipes just message me and let me know. Im hoping he likes our new diet. Im sure he will as he usually hates any form of cows milk. any dairy u see or know needs to be used is substituted with an alternative. He is drinking almond, goats, or rice milk and has all goats products for the rest of his dairy products. Im also making his bread from scratch to avoid hidden dairy and soy. Hopefully in a few days he will be a completely new boy. ALSO, coconut milk ice cream is dairy and soy free! the only one so far that doesnt contain soy lecithin.

Following the GREEN trail


Our adventure going green has been slow moving but fabulous and yet terrifying all at the same time. I say it has been terrifying because of all the facts I have found out about food during my journey. If you are curious about what I mean, do some online research or take a look at the movie Food Inc, which can be found on instant stream via netflix.com.

So far the boys and I have almost completely switched to cloth toilet paper. This was a lot easier than I imagined. Fun as well! I love all the different prints of the fabric! So creative!

We are also trying our best to shop locally and organically. This is going to be the hardest as I am a stickler for convenience and fast food! I ADORE eating out. However, lately not the case, I get sick to my stomach every time I try to eat it. Just thinking about all the horrible stuff in it and done to it. ICK!

Today, we actually made our first compost bin! First we found an old bucket of grandpas in the garage! YAY FOR REUSING! woohoo! Next we reused soil from grandmas old plants.

Then we took the biodegradable pot from the new herbs I bought and tore that up and mixed it in with the soil.

Then we had some fruit that just spoiled so we cut it all up and threw it in there and mixed it all up. Then added a tiny bit of water to make it damp.

The boys ended up pretty filthy! However, we had a great time! Tomorrow we will be adding worms!!

We are moving into an apartment tomorrow so unfortunately we will not be planting a full grown garden. However, a dear friend of mine is going to be kind enough to let me plant some veggies in her garden if I bring my compost! Great trade off I think!

Look forward to posting more and more green updates!

I also want to add that this was a HUGE homeschooling life lesson for the boys. They learned not only about gardening but about decomposition, worms, food cycle, life cycle, and WHY exactly we are doing this organically! It was truly amazing!

Jumping on the Green Bandwagon…AGAIN?


So last year I felt compelled to try to reduce my FOOTPRINT! LOL I tried out cloth diapers, which I truly did love! But then moved in with my parents, ugh, who didnt quite think it was all that fantastic. Mix that up with ONLY being allowed to wash laundry between 9pm-9am everynight with weekends being discounted as well…and that sort of ruined my whole cloth diaper thing. I tried the recycling thing too. But we had to drive a ways to drop off the recycling after listening to my parents complain about the recycling…so that too went away.

Now, I find myself feeling guilty once more. As well as wanting to save some money during these trying times. My 18 month old is almost ready to be out of dipes. So I really do not want to buy a ton of cloth diapers when he will be out of them soon. Plus we plan to use Elimination Communication from birth with the newborn. SO that is out of the question. I am thinking about using cloth wipes on him though as we do go through OH SO MANY! I use 2-4 on poopy diapers and one for every pee diaper. Now, I find out about family cloth and unpaper towels…HMMM I think. Would my hubby and kids be on board for this one too? Normally, my hubby is on board for anything that will help us to save money. Oh btw for those of you who are unfamiliar with family cloth it is cloth toilet paper. I KNOW, I shuddered the first time too lol. But when you think about comfort and then how much money you will save. Its definitely worth it. Even if you just use it for pees! In my house it would just be me using them since Im surrounded by boys! However, I would have the cloth  wipeys for baby.

Oh! I also tried cloth menstrual pads. Let me tell you this was my favorite! I adored sewing them up, sold a few for profit, and got hooked! These are a life saver! Not only do they save you a TON of money, they also bring you loads and loads of comfort!

So now I have the idea of cloth wipeys, unpaper towels, and POSSIBLY family well another side of mommy cloth since the boys probably wouldnt join in.

This is just the cloth side of being green as well. I also want to crochet myself some reusable shopping bags AND produce bags! I HATE HATE HATE that walmart and every where else offers tons of reusable shopping bags and then you go to grab veggies and BAM PLASTIC BAGS!!! Make some dag on REUSABLE PRODUCE BAGS! GEE WHIZ!! Sooo this leaves me to crochet some for myself 😀 Which of course I will enjoy doing 🙂 Next, water bottles. I adore bottled water. This will be a hard one for me. Its so convenient! I must though, MUST, get some of the reusable metal looking water bottles. Im just worried it will taste as if Im drinking out of a METAL CONTAINER! YUCK! Well we’ll see.

So Im sure you’re all wondering “WHY IN THE WORLD IS SHE POSTING ALL THIS?” My main reason is to of course to share 🙂 However, I want to see how much money you can TRULY  save making these few changes.

This wonderful organic lady has a savings list and I would like to do one of my own and then also add in the cost of laundry for the cloth products.

Hope you all enjoy my savings 😀 I’ll do it for umm lets see…Lets try 6 months. I’ll start April 1st 😀

If you care to join me please leave a comment so I can follow your blog as well!

Up late and pondering…


As usual Im up late…Ugh how I hate being up late. The boys decided they didnt want to go to sleep easily yet again tonight 😦 Usually they are so good at going to bed on time. Such pleasures and no hassel. Well at bedtime lol. So here I am trying to get my alone time and trying to pry my eyes open at the same time. I finished my Finals today. Did ok. Wish I could have done better, but I did pretty good considering I didnt read hardly anything from any of my classes. SO. Thats done. I start my new semester Feb. 1st. Im ready. So ready to start fresh! Tonight I got to thinking. I wanted to challenge myself this year. I have not yet found anything of GREAT interest to blog about or challenge myself with. Or so I thought…Then I realize…I am a stay at home mom to 2 boys and pregnant with number 3, going to school full time(online), working on my doula certification, and will manage to move ALL THE WAY to Germany! Wow! Now that sounds challenging doesnt it? Also, I need to do conduct a lot of prayer on whether or not I want to take up the challenge of homeschooling. Not to mention my challenge to challenge the OB’s and do as little appointments as possible during this pregnancy. So I have my hands plenty full. No need to challenge myself at all. Not to mention we REALLY need to get on a schedule!

As far as the pregnancy is going:

I feel pretty good. Very normal so far. Tired, nauseous, headaches, and cramps. Not to mention peeing ALL the time. I still cannot eat anything sweet. I crave meat. And MILK! Mmmm Milk! However, my babies dont seem to like milk 😦 Ive managed to down quite a few glasses so far though. 🙂 I go for my initial appointment on Tuesday with Dr Rathe. I have decided to do the initial ultrasound just to be sure how many babies are in there to make sure I get proper care. If its multiple babies I will be getting normal routine prenatal care as I am not familiar with how to take care of myself with multiple babies. I have not done any home tests or anything like that. Just continuing to stay in tune with my body and baby. I am continuing to do yoga stretches which seems to be helping with the cramping. I did notice a new but very familiar symptom today. Its starting a little early this pregnancy, pressure and pain between my legs. It started sometime in the first trimester with Raymond too. Im figuring with this one it is probably just stress. Its not too bad just really sore. I didnt do anything strenuous or out of the ordinary today or yesterday.

Well as for tomorrows plan of the day, Im going to do laundry since I didnt get to it today. I also have to finish my last two homework assignments and turn those in. We had planned on going to church but Daven appears to still be sick so its probably not a good idea. We do need some groceries though 😦 Anyways just laundry and hanging out with my kiddos tomorrow. I think we’ll do our own little service at home since we cant get out to church.

Have a blessed day readers.

Homeschooling For Kindergarten


We have officially decided to homeschool D for kindergarten! Im very excited and feel very blessed!

The curriculum we have chosen is a completely online curriculum through Progress Academy. So far, after looking at all of it online, it seems really great. The only thing lacking is a variety of Foreign Languages and a Bible curriculum. She said that they dont offer a Bible course because they are a secular program. So I am looking for a Bible program for him. It’s a little hard to find one for Kindergarten age, but there are still a few options.

Now, I just have to get organized and figure out what time of the day will work best for him to be focused on school…

Back to Base


Tomorrow me and the boys are heading to the AirForce Base so that I can get my military ID and get all of us enrolled in TriCare! Yay! While we are there Im going to do the boys’ lessons with them. Or thats what I am planning anyways. D is wanting to learn about vikings so that is the lesson theme for now! He is really thrilled about it. On Monday we used his letter shaped paint sponges so that he could spell out the word “viking”. It was amazing that he picked up on how it was spelled on his first try after I spelled it the first time. It was so wonderful! If I would have had him sit down with a pen and paper he wouldnt have wanted to do it. However because it was painting and different. I think next time we will go out in the yard and use rocks to spell out a word or two! Today I found some $3 books at walmart so I got a few. Two berensteins bears books, “Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs”, and “I love you stinky face”. So the boys were excited about that. Also I got a white board that has the seven days on the left side with space to jot down a schedule, then a to do list section then a notes section! I have it propped up on a cubby next to the dresser so when I wake up I see it right away. Also on the list for tomorrow is to do bible lessons with the boys, find some good priced modest dresses online, and get some homework done. Raymond had a hard time getting to sleep tonight. Well first he went to sleep around 8 I think. We always come to bed at 8 but he fell asleep right away. Then woke up around 9ish I think. He was screaming and crying. I gave him his milk and tried to hold him. I thought it was his tummy but nope. Then he kept pointing inside his mouth. I asked him if his teeth hurt and he kept pointing and crying so I gave him tylenol and some homeopathic gum numbing stuff. After that he just wanted to play. He just now fell asleep within the last 20 minutes and its 11:38 now.

I also purchased the Home Management Binder Ebook from Keeping The Home! Im SOOO excited to read it! Ive been wanting to get it for almost 2 years now. Idk why I didnt get it before it was only $10. I finally did it!

Well I must get to sleep. Hope to be getting organized and back to blogging and writing the bible study if God still wants me to.

God bless!

Wonderful comes in a blue!


I am so ecstatic for tomorrow! Tonight I went out and bought the boys’ school stuff so we can do more lessons and fun activities! Paints, baby crayons, giant paper tablets, letter stamps, etc.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday

Compare Leaves of two plants

Have D write in his journal about the plants, their similarities and differences. Then draw a picture of the plants.

If we have time, have him start on leaf poster project.

Have music/dance time with the boys.

Story time and work on sign language.

R is learning fish this week 🙂 Need to figure out some new signs for D too

Mommas School To-Do List

Read Chapter 6 in Criminal Justice

Do research for CRMJ Paper.

Read Chapter 7 in Foundations

For the FlyLady challenge we are starting back on Day 10 since I got sick and was not able to complete this day. Hopefully I will be able to complete all this stuff! I think if I stick with it I should be able to. My schoolwork really should only take about 2 hours so if I do an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening, maybe when I put the boys down, then I will be good. Well I better get to sleep so I have plenty of energy to do all this in the morning 🙂

A Brand New Day


Today was a great Monday! I am starting to like Mondays, they are a brand new start, fresh and clean week. Great time to start new changes. This week we are all feeling better, so time to get back to my routines! I received my books in the mail that I will be reviewing! SOO excited!

I also started back up with homeschooling D! This is what I am really ecstatic about 🙂 I have been doing a lot of thinking and research and I really feel that he is supposed to be in the home. Public school just isnt going to work for our family I dont think. So, today we started with a science lesson. Comparing plants. He looked and described the plants leaves, then counted them. We wrote it all down and then added up the leaves 🙂 I was so proud of him! We also had a discussion about how plants need water and sunlight. We then did music and dance time! This was a lot of fun! Tomorrow we are going to look at another plant and then compare the two as well as do some math and writing. Then on wednesday I am going to have him paint a picture of the leaves to put into his learning binder! I am so glad Im getting back into this. I am doing storytime with R after nap so that he can start learning as well, and then we will play with blocks and work on sign language 🙂 This week we are learning the sign for fish!

Tonight I will write the bible study and put up my goal for FlyLady challenge for tomorrow 🙂 Hope you all have a blessed day!


Day 7 Seize the Day


Step 7: Seize the Day
Lately, my house has been all crazy and out of whack. I am having health issues and have had for 14 months now. Then my dad has been having back problems. My mother is weak from previously having cancer. Then my husband is gone due to training for the Army. Whew! So the kids are having a hard time adjusting. My 4 year old especially, he has been having a lot and I mean A LOT of behavior problems. So today is learning how to seize the good days. Also how to get your family into a schedule to make more good days than bad.

Day 7: Making a Schedule
When we read about the Proverbs woman she rises early and takes care of her family. She also utilizes what she has and so on. Today lets look at how to make a schedule that works for you. First I want you to think at how your days usually run now. Write it down. Look at when you wake up, when you eat breakfast, lunch, dinner. Look at when children nap. When you prepare dinner, etc. Let me show you how my day USED to look before we implemented our first schedule.
10am-Me and my oldest woke up(while pregnant with #2)
12ish-130ish We ate lunch
130-230 He went down for his nap and woke up about two hours later
4-530 I would start getting dinner ready

We would eat whenever daddy got home. Then we would sit and watch tv and then my son went down for bedtime about 9pm. Yes, my son would sleep in late with me. Most of you would say I was lucky. If you notice I did not mention any cleaning time, activity time, or learning time. That’s because I didn’t have any. We watched tv while I was on the computer or sleeping some more. I think I was depressed as well as lazy. I had no idea how to be a decent mother and wife let alone a Godly Wife such as the proverbs 31 woman. I am still not close at all. However, do not speak negative words to yourself. Be honest. Not critical! Do NOT criticize yourself. God is changing you so do not worry. Now I want you to realistically make yourself a new schedule. If you have young children who do NOT attend school 7am-8am is a good waking time. If you prefer earlier then go for it. Otherwise this is a good time to get them going and you so you can accomplish everything. If your children are in school already then get up about 45 minutes before they need to be out the door. Later we will work on being up BEFORE the kiddos to get in alone time with God. This 45 minutes will give you ample time to get up and dressed, get breakfast, and get them off to school. If your family needs more time then try getting up 15 minutes before your children need to be up so you can get dressed and start breakfast, even through in some time with you and God, talk to him while you are getting ready. He will set the mood for the day if you let him. Then after breakfast, send the kids off to school OR if your kids are at home with you then start your day. Give them something to do, watch educational tv or do some activities or playtime. During this time you can join them or get some chores done. Remember, being a housewife is not all about the HOUSE. Its about your home. Your children are part of that, you are a mother. Set aside time to play with your children and enjoy them. Enjoy being a mother, this will help your days move smoother as your children will get the attention they need first thing in the morning and will be less likely to bother you while you are trying to do the dishes lol. Then after that, take time to complete some of your to do list. Never take chunks of time. Give yourself 15 minutes then play for 10 or something to that extent. ENJOY! OH! I forgot to add something. At breakfast read a short childrens bible story and pray with your children. Have them ask God to bless their day and to be kind and have them pray for their family. Teaching your children to put God at the beginning of the day will save them from having to change habits later. Moving along J. Try to do lunch between 11 and 12noon. This means sitting down to eat. This is a great time for children. I have tried different times but this block of time seems to work for them. Then give your child 30 minutes after meal time to play and run off all that healthy food. Next is naptime. If you don’t fill your day with too much stuff then mommy can take a nap as well. However, you can make this time for God dates or Bible study time. Whatever works best. But try to refrain from an exhausting tasks. This is a time for rest. Just like Sundays. Let your body wind down. Mommy’s need rest too! Then when they wake its snack time! Everyone should revamp with juice and a healthy snack. Then there is more playing, or cleaning if you need it after snack time. Then around 4 is a good time to start dinner. Usually any meal you make, you will need about an hour to get it ready, this includes prep time and cook time. If you need more time make sure you know about how much time it takes to get ready so you can have it ready when hubby gets home. Now, if your husband works weird hours or is away for work then try to eat around 5. This gives your body and babies bodies ample time to digest before having to go to sleep. Then the rest of the night should be for play J. Then bedtime should be 11-12 hours from the time kids woke up if they are young. If your children are older but attend school I recommend getting them to bed by 9pm at the latest. This gives your child around 8-9 hours of sleep which is the least they should get to function for school. See! That wasn’t so hard. Now there are going to be different things that work for you. You need to do what works for you. This is similar to what we do and after a lot of trial and error this is what seems to work for me and my friends who have tried it too. Although, most of my friends get up earlier than I do as their children do not sleep long like mine do. Let me show you the routine Im hoping to start tomorrow.
7am Wake and get dressed, brush teeth, start breakfast.
730-8 eat breakfast, read the bible, clean up from breakfast (include your
Children in clean up time)
8-830 Play with kiddos!
830-930 Mommy time to get school work done
930-10 Daily To Do List
10am Snack Time

1030am Park Time (If its cold out, bundle up, kiddos need to get out no matter the temperature, however if there is health risks involved make a fun     activity for inside so they can run off energy)
11am-1130am Mommy Time for Mommy to work on School Work
12pm Start lunch/Eat Lunch
1230 Play time and clean up time(Children bring me dishes and I clean up     while they play and run off their food)

1pm-230pm Nap Time
230-3pm Snack Time
3pm-330pm To Do List/Homework-If nothing is left to work on, do kids activity/learning time.
330-4pm Start getting things ready for dinner
4pm-5pm Cooking dinner/Playing with kids
5pm Dinner Time

530pm Dinner Clean Up (Older children help with clean up)
The rest of the time is used for play, family time, or homework. Not used for cleaning!
7pm Snack time/Bedtime Bible Time
730 Bath Time
8pm Bedtime

Now after you put the kiddos to bed you can finish up anything that you didn’t get accomplished throughout your day. However, if you plan your days well you will be able to keep your home tidy and functional without spending all day on cleaning. Also make sure to utilize this time to spend with hubby and/or God. Do NOT spend hours cleaning after your children are in bed. Remember their resting time is YOUR resting time. How can you take care of energetic children if you do not get ample sleep. You must rest when they do so you can be as energized as they are. I know we did not focus on scripture today but this is what God inspired me to write when I prayed to him. If you make a schedule you will be able to give Him a good amount of attention as well. Make sure you set aside time to spend with him. One thing I like to do is say a little prayer and let God know Im thinking about him when I go into the restroom. Im all alone and Im able to just say a quick hello and then get back to the bustle of my day. Also, if you are having behavior problems with your children as well, a good solid schedule will help! I have proved this theory true a few times with my son. He has been violent and hateful and I have been able to dull this down quite a bit by given him a set schedule. He always knows what to expect which makes his flare ups less and less, because he is not being aggravated or rushed! Remember to always ask God for guidance when you are dealing with rough times. Also while making changes. Ask God to help you know how to set up your schedule so that it works for YOUR family.
‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ ~Jer. 33:3~
To Do for Today:
Read Daily Proverbs
Make Daily Schedule (Rough Draft)
Pray about making a new schedule and the things you’ve learned.
Write down anything you have learned or feel needs changing or any ideas you have related to the study or you becoming a new woman.
One more thing, also consult your husband and family about making changes. Ask them what they think would help or be beneficial to you all. God Bless.

Todays Corresponding Proverbs

Proverbs 18

1 A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire;
He rages against all wise judgment.
2 A fool has no delight in understanding,
But in expressing his own heart.
3 When the wicked comes, contempt comes also;
And with dishonor comes reproach.
4 The words of a man’s mouth are deep waters;
The wellspring of wisdom is a flowing brook.
5 It is not good to show partiality to the wicked,
Or to overthrow the righteous in judgment.
6 A fool’s lips enter into contention,
And his mouth calls for blows.
7 A fool’s mouth is his destruction,
And his lips are the snare of his soul.
8 The words of a talebearer are like tasty trifles,
And they go down into the inmost body.
9 He who is slothful in his work
Is a brother to him who is a great destroyer.
10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower;
The righteous run to it and are safe.
11 The rich man’s wealth is his strong city,
And like a high wall in his own esteem.
12 Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty,
And before honor is humility.
13 He who answers a matter before he hears it,
It is folly and shame to him.
14 The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness,
But who can bear a broken spirit?
15 The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge,
And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
16 A man’s gift makes room for him,
And brings him before great men.
17 The first one to plead his cause seems right,
Until his neighbor comes and examines him.
18 Casting lots causes contentions to cease,
And keeps the mighty apart.
19 A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city,
And contentions are like the bars of a castle.
20 A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth;
From the produce of his lips he shall be filled.
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it will eat its fruit.
22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing,
And obtains favor from the LORD.
23 The poor man uses entreaties,
But the rich answers roughly.
24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly,
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Not what I expected


Had my follow up appointment this morning. I was expecting to hear that he found a ton of endometriosis and this and that. To my surprise he told me that he found nothing and the biopsy came back negative so I do not have endometriosis. I was so crushed. I thought for sure I was going to be getting some answers. After a few hours of contemplation I thought, well maybe God healed me. I had been praying and praying for deliverance and maybe he granted me that. Yesterday I started my dreaded cycle, that is causing me terrible pain. He said there is no medical reason to my pain or my irregular periods. He diagnosed me with dysfunctional bleeding with no medical reason. So, now I am to keep a cycle journal for 30 days and write down when I have bleeding and my symptoms and take ovulation tests to see if im ovulating. Then I go back to see him in 4 weeks and if Im still having crazy bleeding and not ovulating he will give me something to help me ovulate to get pregnant. He told me to stay positive and that God would grant me more children. That there is no reason to suspect infertility. He said to try and let my body get back to normal and try the ovulation tests and timed intercourse. SO here’s to babymaking lol. If things go good then I should be ovulating sometime the last week of J’s xmas leave. So we might get lucky, if not then we can really start trying when he finishes with his training.

On to better news! I got raymonds tiny undies and babylegs in the mail today! Im so thrilled! I put them on him before nap and he was dry all through nap and pee’d when he woke up! yay! I love ec-ing! I will post a more in depth article about that probably tonight or tomorrow. Also I will post links to where I found his baby undies and babylegs. Onto getting dinner ready for the boys, and then I need to get some schoolwork finished. Have a blessed evening.